Friday, January 12, 2007

Unknown country

Here's a useful site for those of you interested in the paranormal. It's Whitley Strieber's site and it has a plethora of useful news and resources for those interested in high strangeness. Unknown Country also has a internet radio show called Dreamland, and if you become a subscriber then you get access to all sorts of special interviews and videos and lts of other goodies. It's well worth the money I assure you. Sometimes they have news up weeks ahead of the mainstream media.

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Giants in West Virginia

Came across this while surfing tonight. Forbidden archeology has always been a guilty pleasure of mine. Here's the gist from

Giants in our Midst?
Tall Skeletons Reported Found in Marion County, WV

One of the many archaeological mysteries from this area was the reported finding of giant prehistoric human skeletons.

"On the earth there once were giants." Greek poet Homer wrote in 400 B.C.

Of the many archaeological mysteries, one of the most enigmatic has been discoveries of giant prehistoric human skeletons.

Marion County was home to part of the ancient civilization which historical accounts and artifacts indicate existed in this region - a culture with many clues and questions concerning its existence. What mysterious people constructed earthen forts, burial mounds, macadamized roadways? Who left pictographs, inscribed stones and giant skeletons lo be discovered?

In the 1850s while excavating a root cellar in Palatine (East Fairmont), workers uncovered two very large human skeletons. Measuring the bones, people were amazed to find the entombed humans had been more than 7 feet tall.

Many curious onlookers observed the skeletons which mysteriously disappeared overnight, apparently stolen for greedy purpose. A lucrative market in "Indian relics" existed in the early I9th century. Artifacts from all over Marion County were sold to travelers and purchasing agents representing Eastern museums.

It was reported that hundreds of ancient pieces of pottery, flint weapons, stone carvings and skeletons were peddled at the Valley Falls railroad station. Some of the finest specimens were purchased by visiting German royalty and taken to Europe as curios.

In 1875 workmen were constructing a bridge near the mouth of Paw Paw Creek at Rivesville. While digging through heavy clay soil they were astonished to uncover three giant skeletons strands of reddish hair clinging to the skulls. A local doctor was called to examine the remains.

Exposure to air deteriorated the bones rapidly to but the doctor was able ascertain after careful measurement, the skeletons had supported people approximately 8 feet tall.

In September 1882 amateur archaeologist F.M. Fetty and his wife were exploring along White Day Creek. As Mr. Fetty crawled back into the recesses of an over-hanging cliff shelter he noticed an unusual pattern in the rock formation.

Upon close examination a false wall was discovered in the back of the shallow cave. Removing several large stones the Fettys were startled by what they found. The remains of a giant human in a sitting position with artifacts of stone and flint surrounding the prehistoric cadaver.

In the summer of 1883 James A. Faulkner unearthed an unusually large human skeleton in the same area. Dr. Samuel Kramer of Smithtown measured this skeleton and found it to be 7 feet 4 inches long. Dr. Kramer deduced the living person must have been almost 8 feet tall.

There have been historical references to a mystic race of giant red-haired humans inhabiting this continent in the distant past. Respected Biblical scholars think a lost tribe from Israel once lived in North America. Evidence exists of 5th-century Irish monks exploring West Virginia. Many questions remain to be answered.

Everyone loves a mystery and these giant skeletons reported by reputable people would make Sherlock Holmes scratch his head. This is another intriguing story of Marion County's past that will forever be unexplained.

By Dave Cain

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The Secret

Anyone out there seen this movie. It's called the Secret. I think it's kind of up the alley of "What the Bleep Do We Know?". If you've seen it let me know if you got rich, healthy, and beautiful yet.

Thursday, January 11, 2007

PA Paranormal Conference

This is reposted from the PA Paranormal Societies page and Yahoo group. I always wish I could go to this but it never seems to work out for me. And it costs way to much to take my family to. Cheapo me.

The 6th annual
Pennsylvania Paranormal Conference
April 14, 2007 at haunted Bube's Brewery- Mt. Joy, Pa.
Registration has started and seats are starting to fill, register now
before January 31 and save $10.00. We have a great lineup of speakers
and topics for the conference. The cost is $80.00 person until
January 31, $90.00 per person from February to March 31, and $100.00
per person from April 1, to day of conference. The cost includes a
lunch buffet. A ghost tour of the Brewery will take place at 7 PM
when the conference ends; it is free for the first 20 who register.
Another ghost tour will take place at 8:30 pm for those interested
and the cost is $3.00 per person.

Speakers include

Mark Nesbitt: "Ghosts of the Civil War" (why would Battlefields be

Ed Okonowicz -"Ghostly Experiences along the Mason-Dixon Line"

Frank Feschino - "Shoot then down" (the night they were here)

Kelly Weaver - "What to Do When You've Been Boo'd "

Karl Petry - "What it is like to be a psychic"

Stan Gordon - "The 1973 PA UF0-Creature Wave and other PA UFO

Rosemary Guiley - "Shedding Light on the Shadow People"

Patty Wilson and Scott Crownover – "Ghosts and hauntings, and unusual
cryptozoological creatures in Pennsylvania"

Rick Fisher – "Voices from a haunted house and EVP research"

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Top 10 Cryptozoology stories of 2006

Loren Coleman on Cryptomundo posted these stories a while back. If your not up on all the latest cryptozoology (the study of unknow creatures like Bigfoot or the Yowie or Mothman) news then they are a great recap. Loren does a fine job of real scientific study of these reports. He can be heard on shows like Coast to Coast and a few others. Check them out at and the top 10.

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Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Babycakes by Neil Gaiman

One of my favorite authors - Neil Gaiman. He has a sardonic humor and a real interesting way of looking at things. Here he is reading a cute little story about - well, you'll see. Let me just add - Mmmmmm - babies (in my best Homer Simpson voice).

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Almond Butter Balls make life good

OK - I know this has little to do with Altoona High Strangeness but they still make life worth the living.

Tuesday, January 9, 2007

EBE - extraterrestrials?

Here's a video from - I really respect Linda Howe and her reporting abilities.

"Thomas Colman Sheppard entered the U.S. Navy in September 1975. One year later on Thanksgiving night, 1976, Sheppard and two other Navy men saw photographs and documents in a TOP SECRET/MAJIC file about extraterrestrial biological entities. The location was a classified vault at White Beach Naval Facility in Okinawa, Japan. Retired Chief Yeoman Sheppard has now gone on the record for the first time with Earthfiles Reporter and Editor, Linda Moulton Howe. This is a five minute excerpt from an upcoming 90-minute Earthfiles Vodcast about an aerial disc technology described by government documents as "interplanetary;" military attacks and disc retaliations; and the strict American policy of denial about the disc intelligences in the interest of national security. To learn more go to"

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Monday, January 8, 2007

Sharks in PA?

Here's some high strangeness. Apparently a shark - yes a shark - washed up on the shore of Mahoning Creek in Punxsutawney, PA. Yes, that's the place where Phil the groundhog lives. No one knows where this OOPA (Out of place animal - a cryptozoology term) came from. Check the article here.

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HHo Water Fuel

Please let this be true. A real company doing water fuel. Basically the unit breaks the water into hydrigen and burns it. Check out their web site at for more information. A car adapter could be availabel in as little as two years if someone doesn't come along and destroy these people for what they've created. If this works we could end terrorism by pulling the financial rug out from under the middle east as well as save the enviroment. Someone else needs to start talking about these people now and keep them in the media so their product doesn't dissappear.

Friday, January 5, 2007

So here's where I'm gonna go

So I've noticed alot of high strangeness in my life. Now I don't mean the usual stuff like most people do - aliens, bigfoot, and the like - but I'm not ruling any of that out. I'm talking like synchronistic stuff and time seeming be misplaced. Let me give you an example.

Suppose one's wife has a preference for say a particular brand of shampoo. She's always liked it and used it. Then one day she asks for some shampoo to be brought home from the store. No biggie right. So one brings it home and lo and behold she states that she hates that particular brand of shampoo na dhas never used it. Now you might be inclined to see this as a simple error in memory or perhaps that even the wife is confused or nuts, but that's not what I'm talking about. What I mean is that all of the sudden you really are in a slightly different place where your wife never did like that shampoo. Kind of like an alternate reality. Or for instance I really swore that Mikhail Baryshnikov, the dancer and actor, was dead. But much to my surprise I saw him on an episode of Iconoclasts on the sundance channel. Now I would have bet money on him being dead - now he's not. I remember it happening clearly.

So what the heck is that. It's more than deja vu we're talking about. And there's lots more of that to discuss.

So that's sort of my mission with this blog. To discuss the high strangeness that I encounter here in lovely Altoona, PA USA. So come along if you dare and expect big changes in this here blog.

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Sweet blog editor

OK - so here's a lovely test of the editor whcih you can get for free on their page.

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